


Complaints in real time and in the process of review by the PPC

The Public Procurement Commission in the framework of respecting the legal deadlines of the complaint by the contracting authorities, economic operators and persons interested in a procurement procedure, will provide you with the opportunity to get acquainted with the complaints filed with it in real time, as well as updating their status during the review process at this institution.

PPC working hours:

Monday through Thursday 8:00 - 16:30

Friday 8:00 - 14:00

Providing service for complaints and invoice:

From Monday to Thursday 09:00-15:00

Friday 09:00-13:00

Contact info:

"Dëshmorët e Kombit” Boulevard,

"Pallati i Kongreseve", First Floor, Tirana

Tel: +3554 2281851

Contact Number: 0800 2010

Email: Kpp_info@kpp.gov.al

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Komisioni i Prokurimit Publik , çertifikuar me Standardin ISO 37001:2016, mbi Sistemin e Menaxhimit Anti-Ryshfet

Ky sistem elektronik mirëmbahet nga operatori ekonomik: Communication Progress